Capacitive Stylus Pen: A Touch of Precision and Elegance

1. Unveiling the Series TZ-S2, Stylus Pen


In the vast realm of stylus pens, the Series TZ-S2 stands out as a game-changer. Its grey exterior not only signifies elegance but also conceals a myriad of features designed to elevate your device interaction.

The Power of Series TZ-S2

Unraveling the technical details of the Series TZ-S2, we find a device meticulously engineered for optimal performance. With dimensions of 16.5 x 0.9 x 0.9 cm and a weight of 19 grams, This stylus exemplifies simple yet effective design concepts.. The lithium battery further ensures durability, while the absence of included batteries adds to its eco-friendly profile.

Crafting Convenience with Grey Finesse

The magnetic design of this capacitive touch screen stylus pen sets it apart from the competition. Not only does it offer a clever storage solution for a spare disc tip, but the magnetism cover cap ensures you never lose your cap again. It’s a blend of functionality and aesthetics, showcasing attention to detail.

2. Precision Beyond Measure

Transparent Disc: A Window to Accuracy

The precision of the Series TZ-S2 lies in its transparent disc tip. Unlike regular styluses, this feature allows users to see exactly where the mark is pointing, offering unparalleled accuracy. It’s like having a microscopic window to your device’s interface.

Unleashing Supreme Accuracy

Precision takes center stage with the transparent disc, enabling users to interact with their devices in ways unimaginable with a regular stylus. Whether you’re an artist, note-taker, or simply navigating your device, the Series TZ-S2 enhances the experience to a whole new level of accuracy.

The Stylus Experience: Beyond Ordinary

Say goodbye to the limitations of conventional styluses. The Series TZ-S2 opens doors to a world where your device becomes an extension of your creativity. Its fine point and supreme accuracy redefine the stylus experience, proving that ordinary is a term best left behind.

3. Convenience Redefined

Hidden Disc Tips: Ready for Emergencies

A unique feature of the Series TZ-S2 is its special hidden disc tips design. The replacement disc tip is discreetly tucked inside the pen cap, ensuring you’re always prepared for emergency situations when the disc is broken or lost. Convenience is at your fingertips, literally.

Widely Compatible: One Stylus, Many Devices

Versatility is the name of the game with the Series TZ-S2. Its 7mm plastic tip, made up of conductive substance, makes it compatible with a wide array of touch-enabled devices, including iPhones, iPads, Android phones and tablets, and Microsoft Surface. One stylus to rule them all.

Stylish Colors: A Touch of Personalization

Beyond its technical prowess, the Series TZ-S2 lets you express your style. Available in grey, black, and white, you can choose a color that fits your personality.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I store the spare disc tip?

The Series TZ-S2 ingeniously solves the problem of storing a spare disc tip. Simply unscrew the small cap at the tail end of the pen, and you’ll find a secure compartment for your emergency spare. It’s a design that seamlessly blends practicality with elegance.

Is the Series TZ-S2 compatible with Android devices?

Absolutely! The Series TZ-S2 boasts wide compatibility, extending its functionality to Android phones and tablets. Its 7mm plastic tip, equipped with conductive material, ensures a smooth and responsive experience on all touch-enabled Android devices.

Can I replace the disc tip if it breaks?

Yes, The hidden disc tips design not only provides a secure storage solution but also allows for easy replacement. In case the disc tip breaks or gets lost, the spare one inside the pen cap ensures you can continue using the stylus without a hitch.

What sets the transparent disc apart?

The transparent disc tip of the Series TZ-S2 is a revolutionary feature. It allows users to see exactly where the mark is pointing, offering a level of precision and accuracy that regular styluses can’t match. It’s like having a direct line of sight to your device’s interface.

Does the stylus work with Microsoft Surface?

Absolutely! The Series TZ-S2 is compatible with Microsoft Surface and a range of other devices. Its 7mm plastic tip, combined with conductive material, ensures optimal performance on touch-enabled surfaces, making it a versatile companion for various devices.

Is the Series TZ-S2 suitable for artistic endeavors?

Without a doubt! The fine point and supreme accuracy of the Series TZ-S2 make it an ideal tool for artists. Whether you’re sketching, drawing, or adding intricate details, this stylus enhances your creative process, turning your device into a canvas of limitless possibilities.


In the world of capacitive stylus pens, the Series TZ-S2 emerges as a frontrunner, seamlessly blending technical excellence with practical design. Its magnetic charm, transparent precision, and versatile compatibility make it a must-have for anyone seeking to elevate their device interaction. Choose the Series TZ-S2, and experience a new era of convenience, precision, and style.

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